A is not quite 21 months (she will be 21 months a week from today) and has gone potty on her potty twice since yesterday afternoon. Okay I know it's only twice, but that's still pretty good considering she was scared of it a few weeks ago.
Yesterday she surprised me by refusing to let me put a new diaper on and asking for her potty instead. Within a minute, she peed in her potty! I was so proud of her! This morning, she woke up with a dry diaper. That's never happened before. She asked for her potty and did both within a few minutes!
So I guess I'm on the hunt for trainers! I have two right now and a few more on the way. I am hoping to be able to make quite a few of them for her. I have the pattern and have made one for a friend, but need to pick up some more materials.
If you have a little one who is potty learning or has already potty learned, what were your favorite cloth trainers? So far I love the Blueberry trainer we have. It's so soft and it surprised me when it held a whole pee without leaking when I have heard they are not very absorbent from others. I am looking forward to this experience and fully intend to post reviews of all the trainers we try!
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